1. "Freelance" – Toro y Moi
2. "This Time Of Year" – Ra Ra Riot
3. "Sixteen Days" – Pond
4. "Death In Midsummer" – Deerhunter
5. "Gallipoli" – Beirut
6. "Dreamt I Was Gonna Be Your Man" – Oberhofer
7. "Lover Chanting" – Little Dragon
8. "Not the Same" – Jmmy & Ocean Cat, Nile Rabb
9. "Alien" – Beach House
10. "Sinking Ship" – CAKE
11. "Swimming at Night" – Django Django
12. "Merrie Land" – The Good, the Bad & the Queen
13. "Panic Blooms" – Black Moth Super Rainbow
14. "Problems III" – The Growlers
15. "Adored" – Hatchie
16. "Hanoi 4" – Unknown Mortal Orchestra
17. "Open Again" Thom Yorke
18. "Universalis" – Hammock